Thursday, October 12, 2006

Vent #1

Read at your own risk...

I'm supposed to be able to access my preliminary grade for yesterday's calc exam; of course the page won't show up. 'Cause that would make sense, wouldn't it?

Oh, yeah. We're working on a project for Engineering. The idea is to get a rubber chicken into one of three holes on a ramp. It's due next Wednesday, and thanks to random happenings, we more or less found out that unless something changes, we're pretty much screwed. That's great, isn't it!

It might work, but currently the thing'll screw up somewhere down the line, probably before it reaches the first hole. So guess what happens this weekend? Redesigning at the last minute!



Anonymous said...

Hey Kriegel. Sorry to hear about your project. Don't forget to take it to the Father. He is interested in that. How was the debate? Last thing .. parking legally yet?

Julius Scipio said...

"of course the page won't show up. 'Cause that would make sense, wouldn't it?"That sounds like me.

Anonymous said...

hey bud! don't be so negative, the sun will keep on rising despite how well or bad you do (believe it or not that's a small comfort)...remember everything is working our for our good b/c we love Him. ttyl!

Levi Wolstrom said...

As of Sunday--

The group sees no reason why we can't make at least an 84.

Anonymous said...

As of Sunday--

The group sees no reason why we can't make at least an 84.

And how do you feel about an 84? Good, bad... ok?

My mom doesn't settle for anything less than a 90 (even that's on the edge), but then, I'm not in college. =D

Levi Wolstrom said...

Group score...91.

Anonymous said...

91? That's not bad. Good job y'all.

Julius Scipio said...

91? That's a high B. It's 7 more then you thought you would get.

Anonymous said...

I thought a 91 was a A-... *shrugs*